A Road Map To Successful Transactions
Recorded On: 05/27/2020
- Non-members - $15
- PPAI Member - Free!
It’s easy to believe that all we have to do as distributors is give the client product options, take the order and send it to the supplier. After that, we can just sit back and relax with our favorite beverage, right? Wrong! There are so many pieces of information involved in making sure that what is delivered to the client is the right product with the right imprint and on time for their needs. What can we do to make sure that we get the order right so that the client comes back again, and the supplier wants to continue doing business with us? This webinar presented by Rama Beerfas, MAS, CTSM will give distributors a series of steps they can take in the order process to ensure the best possible results on each and every order. The process & steps can be tailored to fit your needs and the software systems you are using.

Rama Beerfas, MAS, CTSM
Chief Solutions Specialist, Lev Promotions
Rama Beerfas, MAS, CTSM, is the chief solutions specialist of San Diego, California-based Lev Promotions, a promotional marketing consulting company founded in 2002. Lev Promotions' three areas of expertise include promotional products, trade-show marketing and event marketing. The recommended products and services integrate client branding, goals and target market demographics using a holistic marketing approach.
Beerfas’ professional background includes extensive work in retail, banking, hospitality management and the nonprofit sectors. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Spanish from Cal State, Northridge, and a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Beerfas also earned her Master Advertising Specialist (MAS) certification from PPAI in 2017 and is received her CTSM (Certified Trade Show Marketer) through Exhibitor in 2019.

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