
Certified Advertising Specialists (CAS) Package


The Certified Advertising Specialist (CAS) Program requires the completion of all CAS dedicated courses listed below.

In addition, please select 25 CAS level elective credits from the column on the right to complete the elective portion of the CAS.

Once registered, you will find the courses in your Dashboard (My Learning > Content Registered For).

Once all course work is completed there is an application in your Dashboard to complete and submit for processing.

Please note you must have completed the Trained Advertising Specialist (TAS) prior to applying for your CAS. If you do not have your TAS please click here

  • Contains 25 Product(s)

    Register for all your required courses here. You will have 1 year from the point of registration to complete the certification package. Please complete all dedicated courses and their quizzes: You will have 3 attempts to pass each quiz. You must answer 4 out of 5 questions correctly. If you have not passed a quiz after 3 attempts, please contact Please note in order to start working on your CAS please make sure you have completed the TAS Certificate program first.

    Register for all your CAS required courses in one step.  You will have 1 year from the point of registration to complete the certification package.

    Please complete all dedicated courses and their quizzes: You will have 3 attempts to pass each quiz. You must answer 4 out of 5 questions correctly. If you have not passed a quiz after 3 attempts, please contact

    Please note in order to start working on your CAS please make sure you have completed the TAS Certificate program first.

CAS Elective Courses

Once obtained, to keep your certification in good standing, you will need to complete 30 hours of CAS level courses every 3 years and submit the Re-certification Application.
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84 Results

Canadian Certified Advertising Specialist (CAS) Package

  • Contains 27 Product(s)

    In our Canadian CAS version, the U.S.-specific courses have been replaced with different content. Register for all your required courses here. You will have 1 year from the point of registration to complete the certification package. Please complete all dedicated courses and their quizzes: You will have 3 attempts to pass each quiz. You must answer 4 out of 5 questions correctly. If you have not passed a quiz after 3 attempts, please contact Please note in order to start working on your CAS please make sure you have completed the TAS Certificate program first.
