CAS: Dressing A Brand: Be The Apparel Expert Your Customers Need

Recorded On: 02/21/2018

Do you sell stuff, or create impression sessions? Become a value-added extension of your client’s marketing efforts with advanced apparel expertise and the ability to help them reach branding goals. After participating in this education session, you’ll gain tips and facts that will instantly set you apart. Join Teresa Fudenburg and Doug Jackson for this session and you’ll help your customers make smart apparel buying decisions that drive greater brand awareness and ROI.

Teresa Fudenberg


Teresa has a 25-year track record of helping growth companies carve their unique market space through highly efficient, on-the-mark business and marketing strategies. Serving the gamut of industries including transportation, professional services, pharmaceutical and consumer products – as well as her own start-up – Teresa takes aim at distinguishing an organization through results-oriented branding, marketing and sales strategy. 


Teresa brought this passion to Storm Creek in 2014 with a vision to enhance brands through better apparel. As CEO and majority owner of Storm Creek, she is also the marketing strategist. She’s been instrumental in forging the company’s business model change away from wholesalers to working directly with distributors. 

Doug Jackson


Doug has been making high-quality technical outdoor apparel for nearly three decades. After starting his apparel career in the skiwear and retail sectors, Doug noticed a need for high quality, high value outerwear in the promotional products industry – so that became his focus in 1995. Dubbed “Jacket Jackson” by his peers and customers, he demonstrates a relentless pursuit of apparel that fits, works, looks great and is priced right.

Throughout his career, Doug has traveled the world finding the best technical fabrics and apparel innovations, along with building valuable factory partnerships. This masters-level knowledge of apparel from initial design/ideation to finished garments gives him a 360-degree understanding of what it takes to make best-in-class product. Over the years, he’s built many outdoor apparel brands as well as private label offerings, and in 2006 he launched the Storm Creek brand. As president of and co-owner of Storm Creek, he is the company’s product visionary and sourcing strategist. 


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Online Education Survey For Credit
5 Questions
5 Questions INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions that best matches your response.
CAS: Dressing a Brand Quiz
5 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass Please complete the following questions in order to get credit for the session.
Certification Credit
1.00 CAS credit  |  No certificate available
1.00 CAS credit  |  No certificate available