CAS: Promotional Consultant and Supplier Selling 101

Recorded On: 05/16/2018

Are you new to the promotional products industry? Learn best practices from a seasoned supplier, Lindsey Davis, MAS, that will help you navigate the sales process with the ease. During this session, we will discuss consultative selling techniques, vertical market expansion and supplier/distributor partnerships. We will explore these topics through real-world supplier and distributor examples that will help you create a successful company in this growing industry. 

Lindsey Davis, MAS

National Sales Representative

Lindsey Davis, MAS, is a national sales representative at Raining Rose, Inc., where she focuses her time on business development and implementation of strategic branding programs. Her love of all things promotional products started when her parents founded Solar Advertising, an early lip balm supplier, in 2003, Lindsey became President of Solar Advertising and led the company through a successful purchase by Raining Rose in 2016. She is currently serving as the immediate past president of The Rocky Mountain Region Promotional Products Association and the president of the Regional Association Council (RAC) Board at PPAI. Lindsey has a bachelor’s degree in international business from Johnson & Wales University in Denver.


1 Points


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Online Education Survey For Credit
5 Questions
5 Questions INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer the following questions that best matches your response.
CAS: Promotional Consultant and Supplier Selling Quiz
5 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  4/5 points to pass Please complete the following questions in order to get credit for the session.
Certification Credit
1.00 CAS credit  |  No certificate available
1.00 CAS credit  |  No certificate available