CAS: Creating A Change Agent Network Virtual Session
Recorded On: 10/27/2020
- Non-members - $15
- PPAI Member - Free!
The rate of change is higher today than ever before, people across all industries are finding themselves in change-saturated organizations. Add to that the pressure to achieve return on investment for projects and initiatives and it can fill overwhelming. What you need is a team to help understand how the change is perceived across the organization and industry, what people need and want to know, and where resistance to the change needs to be managed. You're also going to need to create help creating communications, coaching leaders and influencers on their next steps. This session with Carla Howard is designed for young professionals of the promo industry. Participants will network with peers while learning how to create a change agent network, why you need that network, and how to help lead change going forward. Leading change is hard—make it easier by building a change agent network!
Carla Howard
Owner and Change Management Expert
Carla Howard is a Keynote Speaker and a Transformational Change Leader. She is an advocate for professional women, supporting them through her work as speaker, online course creator, and mentor. Carla’s goal is to help professional women become more Influential and Promotable so they can Rise with Confidence and Grace! Carla spent 25+ years building a corporate career before stepping into her speaking, coaching, and consulting business full time in 2019. Her experience includes successfully coaching professionals on how to successfully lead change, and how to achieve their personal definition of career success. She is a results-oriented leader who values kindness, accountability, celebrating mistakes, and remembering to have fun in the workplace. Carla believes that all of us have the ability to create our dream careers while finding joy in the journey!
1 Point
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2. For those attending the live virtual session: Please use your computer webcam and computer microphone to participate in the breakout activities throughout this session.
3. For those attending the on-demand session: please pause the session to complete each of the activities throughout the session.
4. Once you have completed the session, please close the event recording or webinar window and proceed to the session launch page for the Online Education Survey to receive credit. Please note, it will not be on your event recording or webinar window.