Expo 2019: Community Marketing: Turn Customers Into Raving Fans
Recorded On: 01/15/2019
- Non-members - $15
- PPAI Member - Free!
The most powerful and enduring companies today don’t have customers; they have raving fans who trust, love and have a deep connection with them. At the core is a commitment to community building and tribal marketing. Join Mark Graham to learn some new approaches to building a strong community in the post-social media age, and how these strategies can be baked into the core of a modern company’s operations.

Mark Graham
Founder of Rightsleeve.com
Mark Graham is the founder of RIGHTSLEEVE.COM, one of the industry's leading web based promotional products distributors. Mark's online marketing strategy has allowed RIGHTSLEEVE to scale, enhance margins as well as provide a point of differentiation within a crowded and mature industry.
RIGHTSLEEVE is the National winner of the Dell Small Business Excellence Award, an honor presented to businesses that use technology in innovative ways to enhance customer experience and company growth. In 2011, Mark was named Distributor Entrepreneur of the Year (Counselor Awards). In the same year, he was inducted into ASI's Hot List and PPAI's Rising Stars.
Mark has been featured in several major media publications on his approach technology and social media, including PPB, Counselor Magazine, Stitches and Advantages. Mark has presented multiple times on web marketing and social media best practices to promotional industry professionals across North America (PPAI Expo, ASI Chicago, ASI San Diego, PPPC, MAPPA, SPPA, Promo East, Partnering Group, NALC, ASI Power Summit).

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