How To Create Promotions That Make A Difference
Recorded On: 05/13/2020
- Non-members - $15
- PPAI Member - Free!
Not only can promotional products be used to create a stellar campaign, but they can also change the world. David Betke shares with attendees how his company, Do Better Marketing, has used promotional products to help save a 65,000-acre forest, reduce carbon emissions in a city measurably, increase funding for women’s shelters and call attention to the global amphibian extinction crisis. During this seminar, you will see many examples of how Betke has used promotional products in conscious campaigns, and how you can create incredibly loyal fans—and employees—while making a difference in the world.

David Betke
Principal, Do Better Marketing
David Betke is the principal of Do Better Marketing, a division of Avatar Brand Management Inc., a full-service, promotional marketing agency that helps clients define their difference, improve their pitch, and provide the moving parts of a campaign to promote magic. He is dedicated to helping those who give back, make a bigger difference. Betke’s campaigns have, thus far, helped save a 65,000-acre forest, reduce carbon emissions in a city measurably and helped recruit three senior-level engineers durign the height of a labor crisis. One campaign even generated a 4,000 percent return within six months, and recruited a couple of lifelong customers. Betke has personally been recognzied with seven national marketing awards for his work.
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