CAS: Screen-Printing 101
Recorded On: 12/06/2017
- Non-members - Free!
- PPAI Member - Free!
Join Marshall Atkinson for this session on screen-printing 101. This session will cover the best practices when working with a screen-printer. Participants will learn "how-to" send the PO and art to a vendor with tips and tricks on getting things set up and handled to move it through the production pipe on-time so it's shipped correctly.

Marshall Atkinson
Product Manager, Blogger, and Speaker
Marshall Atkinson owns Atkinson Consulting. He is also is the host of The Big Idea, an industry podcast that focuses on best industry practices for shops and is published on the second and fourth Thursday of every month.
Atkinson frequently contributes to industry trade magazines and speaks at trade shows. He shares relevant content through the blogs, videos, webinars, and live events.
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